Sunday, February 16, 2014

Junior Life

Many things happened when I was in second year. I like being a second year student because there are no pressures, we are free and the life there is easier. When I reached my junior year, I thought that I will not be happy because there is research already. I will be pressured and I will not have a time wherein I can enjoy. But when I entered the junior year, I found out that I was wrong.
          Even though we have harder subjects, I can still enjoy. Even though my friends in my second year are not with me, I found new friends. When I entered my junior year, my k-pop addiction became stronger. Now, I am managing my studies and doesn't let k-pop destroy it.
          I faced a lot of problems. One of them is on how to manage my time. I find it hard to manage it because there are many requirements. I also faced social problems. But because of my classmates, I overcome them and now, I am happy always.
          I met my other batch mates. Some of my classmates thought that i was quiet. But they're shocked that I'm not. i thought my other classmates are snobs but I was wrong. We treat each other just like we are one big family. We always say that we are one. Sometimes, we have misunderstandings but that makes us stronger.
          Other sections ask us why our section is always happy. For me, we are happy because we are one. Even though we have different things that we like, we always try to understand each other.

          We have different teachers now too. I learned a lot from them not only in academics but in attitude also. I think my junior year is really wonderful. These moments are worth to be treasured. I will never forget my junior year.

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