Monday, October 28, 2013


“Be careful of love. It'll twist your brain around and leave you thinking up is down and right is wrong.” 
 Rick Riordan

          As a person, we can’t deny the fact that we already felt those butterflies in our stomach whenever a person comes to our mind. Those times when we are teased by our friends and end up being busted by that person. We can’t deny these facts because as a person, we love.

          When we are still small, we watch those Disney Fairy tales  There is a common ending where they lived happily ever after. But we should know that in reality, it is not fairytale so we should stop dreaming of a “happily ever after” ending. Because stories don’t always have happy endings.

          Honestly, I don’t know if I already became in love. Crush perhaps but I don’t know love. I never had a boyfriend in my whole life. In love, you are risking everything. You don’t know if that person loves you too and you can be brokenhearted. Yes, I’m a person who’s afraid of being in love so I am trying my best to avoid it. Yet, love moves in mysterious ways and we don’t know when it will come to us.

          In love, you don’t want the time to stop whenever he’s with you. You can’t help it but to smile and feel like you’re floating. You experience those butterflies whenever he’s talking to you. You dream of your future with him or her. You are always excited to go to school because he is there.
Love is really hard to explain and define. But for me, Love is the attraction that we feel to a certain person. In love, there are no exceptions, even if you are blind, deaf or etc.. But in love, there are many dumb. In love, you think that something is right but it is actually wrong. Sometimes, we are already hurt but we are too dumb to leave that person. In love, there are many dumb.

          We can’t deny the fact that we are attracted with the outside features first. But we should still look at their characteristics. I would love a man whose music inclined, and kind. A responsible and family-oriented guy is already good. A guy who is always there to help me and protect me whenever I have problems. A guy who has a faith in God. A man who is a friend to me. A man that can make me happy by throwing jokes even if it’s corny.

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