Thursday, October 10, 2013

Second Mothers...

       “They inspire you, they entertain you, and you end up learning a ton even when you don't know it” 
― Nicholas SparksDear John
          Teachers are our second mothers. Teachers are superheroes without capes, and powers. Teachers are blessings of God.
          I know that some of you experienced different teachers like what i have experienced . I had "terror" teachers, "soft-voice" teachers and humorous teachers. Our teachers devoted their lives in teaching us. They teach us the lessons that we need for our future. We started counting from 1 to 10, read the alphabet many times and many more. Step by step, we learn something.
          We may have different experiences in each teacher, there is still something that can make us remember them. We may be disciplined using words but that shouldn't mean that we will give up. They are just disciplining us and challenging us to be a better person. 
          Sometimes, out teachers spend more time with us and not with their own children. They treat us like their own children too and care for us. They listen to us even though our problem is not about the academics. 
          SO for all the teachers out there, thank you so much for all your hard works, sacrifices and lessons. We may not show it personally but I just want you all to know that we value and cherish you. We are sorry for all the naughty things that we have made. Thank you so much again and ENJOY YOUR DAY!~
          HAPPY TEACHERS DAY!~ AJA! <3

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