Sunday, August 4, 2013


          "Be the change that you wish to see in the world" - Mahatma Gandhi
          I still remember the scene when I was a first year high school student here in Cavite National Science High School. I was a quiet person. I only have few friends and I was really shy. I don't join groups of people because I don't know how to react when I'm with them. I'm not that talkative back then.
           I am not that energetic in class and I don't usually participate. I thank God that he let me pass my subjects back then. I was really a different person back then compared from who am I today.
          The vacation came and I'm wishing for a better person for the next school year. After two months, the hew school year started and I am now a sophomore. I started negotiating with my classmates. I also participated in class. After a year, I completed my task to change myself to be a better person.
          After a year in our sophomore year, I gained new friends and I was once included in the ranking in our section. I really liked the change that happened to me. I am happy for the changes and the effects that happened.
         Now, I am already a Junior. I'm still trying to be-friend my new classmates. I'm trying to participate in class and now, I am not afraid to negotiate with people. This is what I am right now and I wish that the magic of the change that happened to me will be the same again. 

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