Sunday, June 16, 2013


         Being a father is really a hard work. As a daughter of my father, i can feel that it is really hard for him to raise us because of our attitudes. I know that he needs to be strict when it comes to us so we can be a good individual. Plus, his duty is to preach the word of God in our church. Even though he doesn't have a salary for this duty, i know that he loves this job.
         My classmates said that my father is really a great father because he can do many things. He can cook really good, do craft works like cabinets and everything, he can make houses; he can draw good; to play guitar is also his line. I know that he can't sing and he has a really huge humor. 
         I remembered when i was little how my father punished me when I did something bad. I was beaten by a belt but when he is beating me, his eyes were about to cry. I know that he is only disciplining me but when I saw his eyes, i felt really bad. He doesn't want to beat us like that but he needs to discipline us to be a better person. 
         I know that my father is not a perfect father but his imperfections makes me love him more. So if he can read this blog, i just want to say "Thank you Pa! Sorry because I can't say this to you personally because i was so shy but I really really love you. Sorry for being stubborn, naughty and not a perfect daughter. Thank you for everything.". 
         He was my Superman, my first love and my FATHER.
         "Train up a child in the way which he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." ~ Bible, Proverbs 22:6

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