Sunday, January 5, 2014


          I'm not really fond of texting. When I was still in elementary, I am fond of texting. But since we are busy in our high school days, i forgot how texting became a part of my life.
          Others, due to excessive texting, have some problems. Others text while having classes. This is really bad. Those cellphones should be confiscated. And also texting can affect our grammars. Remember the "JEJEMONS" back then? their grammar and their spelling is really hard to understand. if we are responsible texters, then we should know our limits.
          My english grammar was not affected by texting since when I am texting, I always think if the receiver of the text can understand me. I know that these days, a cellphone is important beacuse we can communicate with it. but we should be responsible in using it.

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