Sunday, January 5, 2014

Idols of the Past

          Fernando Poe Jr. Yes. he's my idol. Very unladylike since he makes action movies. But for me, he's an idol why?
          He's a really good person. My father said that he was very close for being the President but some issues came. They said that if you go to him and seek for help, he will help you.
          He's a great actor. I was really amazed with his skills and it was very cool. If I had a chance to talk to him, i would ask what is his plans if he became the president. I would also ask how he became a good actor. I really respect this person and I'm sure that he is a good person because I can feel it in my heart.

Inferno: School Version

First Station: Gate- Student Police
          The very light yet still an offense is the NO ID NO ENTRY Policy. The students who will violate this policy can be charged by the STUDENT POLICE. Their punishment is to make a letter that explains why they are late. These letters will be given to the advisers and the adviser will be in charge of the deducting. This also implies with the later comers.

Second Station: Pathway- Principal/ teachers/Staff
          All of the students are encouraged to stay in the pathways and not walk on the grass. others still do it even though the principal says it already.

Third Station: Pathway- Principal/ teachers/Staff
          As a school, peace should be maintained all the way. One problem here is the students yell and shout at the top of their lungs when they are really happy or something happened. 

Fourth Station: School Area/ Designed Area- Adviser/ Leader of the group
          All of the students have duties before the start of the class. It is usually cleaning. Many students disobey this policy because of different reasons. Maybe because they are late, or they still don't have their assignments. 

Fifth Station: Field- P.E. Teacher
         Physical Education is a subject in which students are required to change their uniform into P.E. uniform. Others still wear their uniforms during practicums. Their punishment is a 0 for the day's activities or being marked as Absent.

Sixth Station: Court- Teacher/Adviser/ Principal
          Other students play basketball even though there are still classes. It is also not allowed to play during afternoon because the sun can damaged the skin. The punishment is they will be counselled by the teachers.

Seventh Station: Room- Teachers
          The Noise Makers. Noisy students are always present in every school. Their punishment is depending on the teacher.

Eight Station: Room- Teachers
          The Forgers. Students should let their parents sign their homeworks but since they don't make it at home or they forgot to let their parents sign, they forge their signatures. The punishment is counselling.

Ninth Station: Room- Teachers
          The cheaters. Those who cheat during exams and quizzes. Changing their scores and copying to their seatmate. Their punishment is counselling and maybe, Suspension.


          I'm not really fond of texting. When I was still in elementary, I am fond of texting. But since we are busy in our high school days, i forgot how texting became a part of my life.
          Others, due to excessive texting, have some problems. Others text while having classes. This is really bad. Those cellphones should be confiscated. And also texting can affect our grammars. Remember the "JEJEMONS" back then? their grammar and their spelling is really hard to understand. if we are responsible texters, then we should know our limits.
          My english grammar was not affected by texting since when I am texting, I always think if the receiver of the text can understand me. I know that these days, a cellphone is important beacuse we can communicate with it. but we should be responsible in using it.


          This sembreak, i was really happy. During the last day before our sembreak, we got our report cards. I was happy since my grades were not low. For my reward, my parents got me a phone. I don't like phones because i'm just using it for games and when I really need it. But i am really happy because of the new phone.
          I spent my vacation watching T.V., playing with my phone, checking my facebook, sleep, eat and being in charge of our store. I played with kids in our baranggay since they buy in our store.
          But the most important is the reason for this sembreak: All Souls' Day. I visited the tomb of my grandmother. I was really happy when the visitation looked like a family reunion.
          Because I became too lazy in those days, I crammed at the last day of the vacation. Of course we had homeworks and projects to work on that vacation. This vacation was fun. I think I really need this because of the stress everyday that we students endure.