Sunday, September 29, 2013

Foul is Fair and Fair is Foul

          "Foul is Fair and Fair is Foul" is one of the lines that were stated in the story: Macbeth. This quote was said by the three hags at the beginning.
          For me, this means that sometimes, wrong things becomes right. This is the perception of others in committing sins. They think that what they are doing is just right. We sometimes continue it because we think that no one will be affected and everything is fine.
          Fair is foul for me is when the right things become wrong. We sometimes make right things but end up making mistakes. Sometimes, we make right decisions but after considering others suggestions, we can make it wrong. This also happens when we are on the side of the right but we are considered weird or wrong.
          For me, this is my vision in this quote. Maybe this is not the three hags says so I still want to understand it deeper.

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