Sunday, February 16, 2014

A Daughter's thoughts

Dear God,
            Lord, thank you for the life that you’ve always given us. Thank you for all the blessings that we always get. I’m very sorry for all the things that I have done that made you not pleased. But now, I want to take a minute to thank you for creating my parents.
            I always thank you for giving me parents like them. I know they are not the “perfect parents” yet I know, they are the best for me. Thank you for giving them the patience when I am really a bad daughter. Bless their lives since they made a path for me towards you. They were my first teachers because they had patience when I was still young trying to walk, counting the numbers and reciting the alphabet.
            Please guide them to everything that they do. It’s really hard for us to say this personally to my parents but thank you lord that you’ve given me the courage to say this all.
            Bless my mother, oh Lord. For being there when I have problems. For showing her “motherly love”. For hugging me when I’m cold. For being there when I’m crying about my research. You know lord, I barely say this but I really love that. For trying to understand me; Bless her life Oh Lord.
            Bless my Father oh Lord. For disciplining me; For teaching me your way. I rarely, I mean I really don’t say I love you to him personally but Lord, I really do. For teaching me instruments that I want; Bless his life oh Lord.
            I know that there are a lot of hard works and struggles my parents already had. Please help and guide them oh Lord in everything that they do. Bless their lives and make them live longer. Give them good health. Thank you again oh Lord. Amen.



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