When you are sports-minded, there are advantages. You can have a strong and healthy body because you practice and play much. Your body can have a great resistance to diseases. The next advantage is when you do sports, you have some teammates and you can work as one. Here, you will gain teamwork.

When you are academically-minded, there are advantages also. First of all, your grades will be high and you can top in class. You will not have a difficulty when there's exams and quizzes. You can also gain friends by going with them and sharing your knowledge.
Both characteristics can make your self-confidence high. When you go to contest like quiz bees or Sports meet, you can make your school proud by winning and that can make your self-esteem high. Both characteristics can also discipline you in every way.
But there are still disadvantages when you only choose one between the two. If you are sports-minded only, you should have knowledge so that you know the rules in every game. And when you are only Academically-minded, you will have a weak body because you don't put what you learn into practice.
I am not a sports-minded person but I really like to learn and master even one sport. It's really hard to choose between the two because they are connected to each other. But if I really have to choose, I will choose being an academically-minded person so that even though I don't know how to dribble that ball, spike and smash it, I can still make my family proud with the medals that I will have.
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