To Marjie, I am not surprise or wander why Dennis leave you why? What reason can you think about but you're very fat body. I thought before that Dennis only use me to his toy but sooner and later I'm realize that he really can't not beared or stomached to be with you anymore because at first, Dennis say he could not stand you're habit of making pakialam all his walks (lakad) and always calling to their house what he go home or this or that.
The sexiest Girl of D.M.
You say that I'm the bad breathe but who is Dennis want to kissed. Me or you? And the final is me. There you go.
And then he say he get ashame to me either in school or in his
family and then asking you to exercise you're very very, very fat body. But you
hate it. Thought you're the most preetiest girls he knows about. What do you
think you are "BeautifulGirl" of Jose Mari Chan?
Even you are beautiful face (to your think) you do not have the
right to called me whatsoever or else difference name one time or the other for
the real purposed to insults my personality because I'm never call you names
either in the front of Dennis or in the backs of Dennis, but if you start
already to calling me different name, I don't have any other choice but to call
you other different name to. Like you are a PIG, FAT, OBESSED, OVERWIGHT, AND
UGLY SHAPE girl. Shame to you're body that is to a BUDING.
You can't not blame Dennis for exchanging you to me because I am
the more sexier that you when you look to us in the mirror. I'm repeat again
that you are like Ike Lozada when she is a girl.
To Marjie:
I am not surprised nor wondered why Dennis left you. Why? It is because of your very fat body. Before, I thought that Dennis only used me but later on, I realized that he just can't bear to be with you. First, he couldn't stand your habit of meddling with his life and always calling him when he get home.
He also said that he gets ashamed to his family and whenever he is in school and asks you to exercise your very fat body, but you hate the fact. You thought that you are the most pretty he knew. Who do you think you are? the "Beautiful Girl" that the song of Jose Mari Chan tells?
Even though you have a beautiful face, you don't have the right to call me names. because I never call you names even Dennis is with me or not. But if you started calling me names, I don't have the choice to call you different names like: PIG, FAT, OBESE, OVERWEIGHT, AND UGLY-SHAPED GIRL.
You can't blame Dennis for choosing me than you. because I am sexier than you. I repeat that you look like Lozada when he is a girl.
The Sexiest Girl of D.M.
You say that i have a bad breath but Dennis wants to kiss me than you. there you go.
The original letter made my stomach hurt because of laughing. This is really hard to understand and when I tried to correct it, I am nervous because I may also be wrong in the grammar. I am thankful to my teachers in English because I learned proper Grammar and I'm practicing their lessons. I am blessed even though my grammar is not that perfect but at least I know how to use it correctly.
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